Benin Republic is a small country located in West Africa, bordering Togo to the west, Niger and Burkina Faso to the north, and Nigeria to the east. With population of approximately 14 million people, Benin is a predominantly agriculture-dependent country. As popularly known, the country is the birthplace of voodoo (an African polytheistic religion of ancestral worship that involves magic and attempts to communicate with spirits and dead people). Voodoo is officially recognized/celebrated in the country and is practiced by about 40% of the population. 31.55% of the people are Christians (Joshua Project) with more than half being Roman Catholic (according to the 2002 census).

There is need for sound teaching and discipleship among the Christians as some practice Christianity alongside their animistic beliefs.

Through the labour of TKP missionaries, many lives have been won, disciples are being raised and churches planted especially in the Northern part of the country where they are based.


This wasPARTICIPANTS OF THE INTERDENOMINATIONAL BIBLE QUIZ IN PARAKOU, ORGANIZED BY TKP BENIN REPUBLIC ON 10TH AUGUST, 2024. organized to encourage the Christian youths to be more devoted to and equipped in the word of God and also unify the body of Christ as one. It was the maiden edition and we trust God to make it a yearly program by the grace of God. We thank God it was really a great blessing to all the participants.


This was specially organized for the leaders of the fellowship center at Tanakpe village for more effectiveness in their service unto God and better relationship among themselves.

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