Children in Mission CLUB
Christians form the biggest religious group with at least 31.5 percent of the world population. That is, 2.520 billion of the 8 billion world population.
According to National Association of Evangelicals, 63% of Christians accept Christ as their Lord and Savior between the ages of 4 and 14-years-old.
It is not only that children at this stage are receptive to the gospel, also it is at this timeframe that they form first impressions and emotional connections with the knowledge they have about Christianity and can potentially last throughout their entire life time and shape the way they think of Christianity.
Meaning that, if children at this stage understand the core call into Christian faith which is Missions, they could turn the world around for Christ in their generation.
Therefore, they need to be told and groomed.
According to Proverbs 22:6, “train up a child in THE WAY he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Emphasis Mine).
Training is not what we jumble. It has to do with systematic, strategic and organized planning and execution.
Children are expected to be trained in ‘the way,’ not in ‘a way’…
‘The Way’ he should go. Jesus said, “I am the way…” John 14:6. “Let the children come unto me…” It is now our responsibilities to train the children the way they should go. This is a wonderful opportunity for Christian parents and church leaders to invest in building solid foundation of the Great Commission in the hearts of these children.
Now, the questions are:
Do we have the good understanding of missions?
How many church denominations are involved in mission activities?
Seeing where our priorities lie today, will the coming generation be interested to be involved in missions?
These are some of the big questions that trouble the hearts of missionaries who desire to see the next generation of laborers who will be fire brand for the Lord of the harvest.
God said concerning Abraham in Genesis 18:19
“I have singled him out so that he will direct his children and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just. Then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised.” We can see that God depend on children also to bring His purpose to fulfilment.
Psalm 127:3-5, The Message Bible put it clearer for us:
“Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift? the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you; you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.”
With well trained and equipped children, we can go to sleep well when the night comes when no man can work because the enemy of the gospel is in great trouble in the hand of our children.
Children in missions Club (CMC) has the mandate of exposing children between the ages of 4-14 to the knowledge of God and equipping them with the understanding of the Great Commission. With the aims of:
- Mobilizing and training Christian children to be grounded in the Word and the Great Commission.
- Enabling children to cultivate interest in selfless service/labors to influence their world for Jesus.
- Reinforcing the relevance of missions/missionaries to our everyday lives.
- Introducing children to the possibility of future involvement in missions or as missionaries, making their lives a tool as World Changers.
- Expanding children’s skills through crafts, demonstration activities, to foster leadership skills for community development.
According to Ellen White, “Whole armies of children may come under Christ’s banner as missionaries, even in their childhood years. Never repulse the desire of children to do something for Jesus. Never quench their ardor for working in some way for the Master.
Contact TKP-WAO to enlist your children into CMC.