Prophecies are playing out in this end-time in an undeniable way. The amazing thing about it is that each person is given an opportunity to key himself into either the positive side or the negative side of prophecies. The Bible foretold that all things will be shaken except the Kingdom of GOD, Haggai 2.6; Hebrews 12:28. For anyone that puts all his eggs in the basket of things that will eventually be shaken, such will emerge a loser at the end. On the other hand, we have read about the unprecedented outpouring of the Spirit of GOD scheduled for this end-time. It is each believer’s responsibility to key himself into this positive prophecy! Keying yourself into prophecy however, is not done by mouth, but by action!
There are two Phinehases in the Bible. One featured in Numbers 25:7-13 while the other featured in 1 Samuel 2:12-34. Both are from the lineage of the high priest, and so, have the same privileges. Both were exposed to the concomitant temptation of living in a society that is corrupt, so their challenges were the same. However, one was rewarded (Numbers 25:11-13), while the other one was judged (2 Samuel 2.32-34). The Phinehas in the book of Numbers stood out, while the Phinehas in 1″ Samuel fizzled out.
The three ‘Hs’ that differentiated them were:
H-Head and
These three ‘Hs’ are still the principal factors that differentiate people in the Kingdom today. They may be living in the same society, facing the same enemy, exposed to the same favorable or unfavorable conditions and perhaps having the same opportunities. One Phinehas may fizzle out while the other will stand out.
Causes of Fizzling Out:
Polluted Heart: The number one target of the enemy from time immemorial has been the heart. If the devil could cause the heart to be polluted, he has succeeded in polluting the entire life. Proverbs 4.23 has rightly counseled us when it says: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” Absolutely true, whatever direction a man takes in life emanates from the heart. Successes begin from the heart. Failure also begins from the heart. Either courage or discouragement, it all begins from the heart.
Confused Head: The happenings in many parts of the world today have thrown some believers into a state of confusion. The news they are reading makes it look to such as if GOD is no longer in control. As HE sat upon the Mount of Olives and began to answer the questions of the disciples regarding the end-time, the first warning JESUS gave in Matthew 24.4 was that the followers of CHRIST should be careful so that no one will deceive them. So, don’t be confused in your head. Be sane and be level-headed.
Idle Hands: An adage says “the idle hand is the devil’s workshop.” For a believer to stand aloof today when all hands are on deck in heaven to gather in the harvest is an invitation to fizzling out.
The sons of Ephraim armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle, Psalm 78.9.
May the above scripture not be the heaven’s description of your life today!
Any man or woman caught in the web of polluted heart, confused head and idle hands has already positioned himself herself to fizzle out sooner or later. Hence, the need for an urgent self. examination.
Power to Stand Out
I am persuaded of better things concerning you my dear reader. GOD has appointed you to be a World Changer. While others are fizzling out, you must seek, understand and maximize the secret of standing out in an age like this. This secret still revolves around the three Hs viz, H-Hearts, H-Head and H-Hands.
Sanctified Heart: A sanctified heart is a heart that is purified with the blood of JESUS. A heart in which JESUS makes HIS throne. A heart that is guarded and guided by the word of GOD. A heart that is garrisoned by the peace and the presence of the Most High. Only those in possession of a sanctified heart can stand out in an age like this.
Sin weakens a soul and sinks his vessel.
Standing out therefore is a mirage for anyone indulging in secret sin. All besetting sins must be purged from the heart, if a man will stand and keep standing. For anyone cuddling sin, the Holy One has already pronounced: “Your sin will find you out” Numbers 32:23. “Не that covers his sin shall not prosper….” Proverbs 28:13.
Correct Head: This helps you to put things in proper perspective. You see the word of GOD as written in black and white. You know where GOD stands on every matter. You are clear-minded according to 1″ Peter 4.7 that says “But the end of all things is at hand, be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” Soberness here is interpreted in the Revised Standard Version to mean sanity. There is need for sanity ‘upstairs’ in order to keep standing out where others are fizzling out.
Anything doesn’t go because wherever anything goes, the going is always downward. Any dress doesn’t fit. Any language is not acceptable in the Kingdom. The language must be kingdom compliant!
Busy Hands: To those who were standing idle in Matthew 20:7, the Master simply said “Go ye also into the vineyard….” Being busy for the LORD helps you to escape some snares which the devil usually lay for the indolent ones. At the time David ought to be in the battle field, he stayed at home (2nd Samuel 11.1&2). That was the opportunity the devil was looking for in order to expose the bathing Bathsheba to him. The confusion that befell David was a grievous one, just because he was in a wrong place at a wrong time. Keep yourself busy for the LORD.
Have you thought about this scripture in 1″ John 2.17 (NIV)?
“The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of GOD lives forever”.
A Christian that aligns himself to worldliness has programed himself to fizzle out. How do you see yourself in the next few years? Where does your ministry in the Body of Christ stand in the next few years? How shall we describe your relevance in GOD’S Kingdom in the next few years? Standing out or fizzling out? The answer could be found in 1″ John 2.17.
By the grace that is being released into your life via this prophetic word you are reading, I see you standing where others are fizzling out.
In your pilgrimage, may you stand firm as you walk through the slippery terrain where others have fallen.
May you continue to stand in all of the will of GOD.
May your relevance in the Kingdom of God not fizzle out
May your shining keep standing out in your generation and not fizzle out
May you go from strength to strength and From faith to faith.
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